Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

The past year has been one for the books. It has been a year of change and a year of growth. I have found new strength in myself and confidence in the plans God has for me.  
Last night as we were out for dinner, talking about the thing we were most thankful for in the year 2012. My first reaction, and a true one, was getting my internship. However, as excited as I am for the experience to come through this, I thought more about it, and I am most thankful for what I've learned about myself in the past year. We live in a life of uncertainty and change. I am constantly changing, as are the people and the world around me; and I love that. I've learned to rely less on verification through other people and more on faith in who I am and who God is making me. 

And as for 2013...
There are a lot of 'lasts' this year will bring, but I can't even explain to you how pumped I am for the 'firsts' that are headed my way.

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